Wednesday, December 22, 2010

walking in NY

it's not the outfit that i would like to talk about or catches the eye but the wall paper

it's in NY streets where an ubnormal parade is taking place
i had a foto from that but i accidentally lost it
next time

so yesterday was one of those days that i want some colour in my life
that;s why i went up with blue dress (it has buttons on the back)
green tights, veraman cardigant and my favorite stripped rain boots

dress : stradivarious
cardigan: zara
tights and socks: calzedonia

Monday, December 20, 2010

grey and blue

saturday evening-night was a full-time night
first coffee with Marina
then to the restaurant and after that to playground-art venue for work, fun and live watching
zak stefanou, kathy idra and bada coala were on the stage last night
great performance which lasted 4 hours
pics on the road.......

after all i had to change the purce because there were too many thinks i needed to take with me so i wanted a bigger one :(
t-shirt and cardigan: zara
belt: thrifted
purce: gift from my mother (she had this sinc she was a student)

Friday, December 17, 2010

first snow

it was the first almost white day of this winter
although until the time we got out most of it had melt
it was really really cold so jackets, hats, scarfs and gloves where nessessary

Anna: doesn't she look like she just arrived from paris?

Thursday, December 16, 2010


hallo boy.
second time in this blog.
these fotos are from the live too.....

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

the grand oppening

time: friday night
place: playground art venue (Volos)
performers: modrec & ex nibiru orbits
great music

great drinks

great people

amazing night

Monday, December 6, 2010

Finally winter

the last month it was too warm for November, we didn't even use our jackets
and finally the threelast day the winter is here.
cold, cloudy and rainny.......
it's time for coats, rainboots and sweaters.youpiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

these fotos are from Portaria.a small village on Pilio mountain, on saturday morning, while i was waiting for the bus

Friday, December 3, 2010

blue shoe movements

new shoes,blue oxford shoes
and an alien head picture
everytime i have a new clothe or pair of shoes i am in mood of getting dressed, make my hair and get out with my girlfriends.......

i went for an other polka dot skirt at first but then i wanted to emfasise on the shoes so i worn the blue one at last

zara blue shoes

grey blouse : mango
blue skirt : zara
tights : calzedonia